Hello family: I just wanted to drop in quickly to alert you to a book deal. Anyone interested in purchasing the book Nappturosity should head over to the site (http://www.naturalhairbook.com/). It is going out of print and they are offing the last copies at 50% off. If you are like me and did not want to pay the $27 smackeroos for this natural hair book, jump on this quick. This offer ends on September 30, 2010 at midnight and there is a limited amount of books left. You must enter the coupon code "thankyou" upon checkout. Hope someone finds this helpful.
Next week I will be posting about the books I recently read from Lisa Akbari: "The Black Woman's Guide to Beautiful Hair" and "Every Woman's Guide to Beautiful Hair At Any Age". Both were available to my local library. Until next week Lovlies, take care!
Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
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In my “teaser” post (here), I hint that I have an understanding on how to care for my hair. I am now focused on proper hair care. In the beginning, experimenting with hair styles and products (both commercial and homemade) was exciting but my primary interest is hair maintenance and preservation these days. As my hair focus has shifted, so has my objective for this blog. I’ve changed the subtitle description of BreaKINK New Ground from “My journey to appreciating my God-given hair and sharing the experience” to “Hair education, not just information!”.
While I still intend to share with you my personal, natural hair journey; I’m more insistent on sharing knowledge here. The key to unlocking a successful hair journey is education. My plans and goals are clear and I’m ready to get down to business.
I must put out this disclaimer: I am not an expert in the field of hair care. The information I share here should be used in addition to your own research. I am simply striving to equip you with accurate information but if you are looking for perfection, you’ve come to the WRONG place!
Since there is so much I want to share with you, I need to reveal the pieces layer by layer; starting at the foundation. I don’t have any hidden agendas or secret missions. When it’s applicable, I will state the source(s) of information I use. It is my hope that you will enjoy and benefit from my new approach. As always, your questions and comments are welcome!
Upcoming – Hair composition/structure. . .
Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
There’s still time to enter the “Dough for Dialogue” Giveaway (click here for details). This contest will end at Midnight tonight (EST).
Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
BreaKINK New Ground
Hair education, not just information!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Working with what God gave me

I believe the saying goes “Sometimes the helping hand you need is at the end of your own arms” - don’t quote me on the wording :-). Anyway, that has been my approach to detangling my hair over the last few weeks. I haven’t enlisted the assistance of a detangling comb or brush on wash day and I can’t really say I miss it. My God-given “human comb” seems to be working out just fine. I don’t find that it takes any more time than my wide-tooth comb since I would always finger detangle my hair as a first anyway.
I make sure I have a pair of hair shears for stubborn knots and tangles. Another must is making sure my fingernails are tended to before this task (read this). I’m pleased this discovery has gotten me a step closer to rely less on tools/products for maintenance and become more in touch with my hair (no pun intended).
Have any of you tried this method? How did it work out?
Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
I make sure I have a pair of hair shears for stubborn knots and tangles. Another must is making sure my fingernails are tended to before this task (read this). I’m pleased this discovery has gotten me a step closer to rely less on tools/products for maintenance and become more in touch with my hair (no pun intended).
Have any of you tried this method? How did it work out?
Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Time waits for no one. . .
Days gone by . . . . weeks gone by. . . . a WHOLE MONTH and no word from CallaLily!!! Please forgive my long absence. I apologize for the huge gap since my last post; life has been. . . . life!
To be quite honest, I am weening away from the blogosphere; sad news! There are still some posts that I want to present to you but I will not be moving forward with my original focus for this blog. Look for a Lisa Akbari post in the coming days; I purchased some products and read some books by her.
I'm sorry if this comes as a dissapointment but right now I have to put my energy and focus on more than my hair and blog. Things have been going well with my hair and I hope to give you some periodic updates.
I've enjoyed this hobby and I'll still be lurking around reading and commenting on some of my favorite blogs. I just won't be researching and posting here on a regular basis. I wish all my readers the best on their hair journey!
Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
To be quite honest, I am weening away from the blogosphere; sad news! There are still some posts that I want to present to you but I will not be moving forward with my original focus for this blog. Look for a Lisa Akbari post in the coming days; I purchased some products and read some books by her.
I'm sorry if this comes as a dissapointment but right now I have to put my energy and focus on more than my hair and blog. Things have been going well with my hair and I hope to give you some periodic updates.
I've enjoyed this hobby and I'll still be lurking around reading and commenting on some of my favorite blogs. I just won't be researching and posting here on a regular basis. I wish all my readers the best on their hair journey!
Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Introduction to "Core Concepts" (new mission)

While I still intend to share with you my personal, natural hair journey; I’m more insistent on sharing knowledge here. The key to unlocking a successful hair journey is education. My plans and goals are clear and I’m ready to get down to business.
I must put out this disclaimer: I am not an expert in the field of hair care. The information I share here should be used in addition to your own research. I am simply striving to equip you with accurate information but if you are looking for perfection, you’ve come to the WRONG place!
Since there is so much I want to share with you, I need to reveal the pieces layer by layer; starting at the foundation. I don’t have any hidden agendas or secret missions. When it’s applicable, I will state the source(s) of information I use. It is my hope that you will enjoy and benefit from my new approach. As always, your questions and comments are welcome!
Upcoming – Hair composition/structure. . .
Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Winner of the “Dough for Dialogue” Giveaway

The lucky winner of the “Dough for Dialogue” Giveaway is Alana! You have won (1) $10 gift card to your choice of Curlmart or Luv Naturals. I will send your prize via the email you designate. Please send your info to me at callalily40@gmail.com asap.
Thanks to all you Lovelies who participated in my "Christmas in July" giveaways. I’ll be getting back to my regular posting next week. . . with a new focus. . . stay tuned!
Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
Thanks to all you Lovelies who participated in my "Christmas in July" giveaways. I’ll be getting back to my regular posting next week. . . with a new focus. . . stay tuned!
Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Giveaway reminder

Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
african black soap
ayurvedic hair care
core concepts
deep condition
gentle handling
hair miscellaneous
hair recipe
hair regimen
hair styling
hair techniques
healthy lifestyle
layout changes
my hair
other miscellaneous
product junkie
reader concern
About Me

- CallaLily
- I am passionate about beautiful, healthy hair. This blog was started to track my natural hair journey and to share information with you. You can contact me by email at callalily40@gmail.com