Sunday, July 26, 2009

Can we conquer the clutter?

YES WE CAN! Let me start by saying that I am slowly recovering from PJism. It’s pathetic how much stuff takes up occupancy in most of the rooms in my house (I’ll save that for another post). As I would collect many items for my hair, I realized a while ago that I needed to create some sort of storage system for the things I’ve obtained. I thought I had been doing great (okay mediocre) at keeping order to my stash. I have taken pictures of some of the systems for my things and my daughter’s things.

Well, some of you have put me to shame! Newly Natural posted about this wonderful idea recently on her blog. Then I scope out Kimmay on her youtube channel and she’s really got it going on. That leaves me to say I’ve got to step up my game big time! Investing some energy and a bit of money into creating a better method of storing my hair care products and accessories will be rewarding in the end. So fellow readers, do you run into the same problem that a lot of PJs face? Do tell us how you have dealt OR you are planning on dealing with it.

Thanks for reading. Be blessed!



Jc said...

So neat, I'm impressed!

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